Our Vision & Mission
Indian cultural traditions and spiritual wisdom behind them have a long chain of different schools of thought and practices. Every school has contributed towards their continuous evolution over the ages. Refinement through embodied practices by Rishis, scholars, Acharyas, many students and followers have resulted in a spectrum of human endeavors not to be found anywhere in the world. Scriptures, sculptures, paintings, cosmic and body science, alchemy, language, music, dance; drama, medical science and much more were knowledge stream of ancient India. But they are in language we now understand little and are not trained potentially. Indian at large have lost touch with the past wisdom. This has resulted in crucial identity crisis and confusion over what to believe, what to follow and what to question.
The mission of Vishuddhi films is to research, understand and share the authentic knowledge with the help of scholars and scientists. Also to research the origin, evolution and development of ancient knowledge for making it useful for present human endeavors. The historical facts and philosophy behind cultural traditions will be brought out with rationality and creativity. Indian culture & spiritual wisdom will be promoted and propagated for compassionate world-view.
Encouraging holistic attitude with scientific rationality, creativity, thought provoking ideas with beauty is our mission.